We have been to Disney with 4 children multiple times and can tell you from experience that being prepared with the correct gear can make life much easier while you are on vacation.

Here are some of my favorite things I like to bring:


Number 1:  Get the apps.  This is not a material item, but rather apps for your phone that I recommend downloading before you go:

  • Who doesn’t love a good countdown to Disney?
  • The wait times and magic guide (park hours) show the information in a way I find much easier to read than on the Disney app itself.
  • The Disney app can really drain the battery life on your phone while you’re in the parks.  If you have an extra battery definitely bring it.  If not, sometimes I put my phone on airplane mode to conserve the battery.  Take a screenshot of your fast passes so you just have to check back at your photos instead of signing into the app to double-check the times.


Number 2:  The stroller situation.  Disney is SO MUCH walking.  We have gone to Disney with many different types of stroller combinations; a double with a place for the third kid to stand on the back, the big double stroller, the umbrella double stroller, multiple single umbrella strollers, etc.  I’ve blocked out a lot of memories since the whole stroller situation is a huge pain in the ass.  However, an even bigger pain is when your 6 year old is crying he is tired and you have to CARRY him.

We have found that by 7 years old the kids are usually good for a half a day to walk, but if you’re doing a full day in the park don’t be surprised if your 9 year old asks to get a ride for a little while.

You can rent a stroller prior to your vacation (I prefer Kingdom Strollers) and it will be delivered to your hotel.  You can also rent them daily at the parks and they must be returned before you leave for the day.  Sometimes a stroller for getting through the airport is important if you have little ones that need to be contained.

Here is an inexpensive, lightweight double umbrella stroller that has been really helpful during our vacations.  I’m not going to say it’s the easiest or best to push around the parks, but it’s good enough to get the job done and doesn’t take up a lot of space in the hotel room.  We have used it with our 2 and 5 year olds together.  I will also add that if your child is prone to napping in the stroller, or if you think you’ll be in the park all day in the sun, a stroller shade is a very wise investment.

Here is the link where you can sometimes find it for as low as $54:



Number 3:  A lightweight backpack.  When you bring a baby to the park sometimes that involves a little cooler bag with formula or milk, a bag with diapers, wipes, sunscreen, a change of clothes, pacifiers, etc.  But you’re not lugging that bag around to every ride.  So what should you do with your other valuables like your phone, wallet and camera?  Ugh, it is surprising I go to Disney as much as I do because just writing this is annoying.  There is so much STUFF.  I try to streamline it, but it’s still a lot to remember.

My method to traveling with the baby has been to shove everything I need for her in the bottom of the stroller in a bag, and keep anything of value in my backpack that I will wear on the rides.  I like this little bag because it’s super lightweight and for me it’s easier than a cross-body (which I did sport for many trips) or a fanny-pack (depending on how much stuff you have this is another good option).

Here is the link for this backpack which is usually around $16:



Number 4:  Go to the dollar store and buy cheap ponchos.  This is something so easy to prepare for ahead of time that could potentially save you a lot of money in the parks in case of a sudden downpour.


Number 5:  We bought these hats many trips ago and each time we go back to Disney I throw them in the suitcase. I feel satisfied that I’m protecting my fair-skinned children from the sun and I’m getting a good bang for my buck!  I also recycle the same ears every trip since we wear them for a few pictures and then put them back in the suitcase.

*Photo credits: Disney

What are some of your “must-haves” for your Disney vacation?

by Ellen Volpe – Co-Owner of ET Family Travel