Every time we go on our Disney vacation I pack a lot of medications from home in case the kids need anything.  I know you can buy this stuff while you’re away, but if one of the kids doesn’t feel well in the middle of the night I don’t feel like trying to scrounge up children’s Motrin from the front desk.

For years I’ve always just done a mental checklist – how silly!  None of this is rocket science, but seeing anything in print makes it less overwhelming.  Now seemed like the perfect time to write it down, especially if can be helpful to other people.  This is a pretty basic list, but hopefully is a good start for many families:








Cough medicine

Body wash/Cream



Diapers/Wipes/Diaper rash cream

Nail clipper



Cortizone cream

Any kind of fiber supplements you might need – no kid likes to be backed up on vacation.


Another quick tip: My entire family is used to sleeping with some kind of white noise, so we actually bring a little sound machine for the room, or you can download a white noise app on your phone.  This is most helpful for the baby so she doesn’t wake up from any little noise from inside or outside the room!

I think it goes without saying that all of these medications can be put in your checked luggage, but any emergency or daily medications that would put you in a bind if your luggage got lost for a day would be brought in a carry-on.  If you have to bring liquid medications onto the plane make sure to check with the airline regulations beforehand.  Happy packing!
*Don’t forget the Aspirin for Grandpa’s headache after the kids drag him on Small World.


by Ellen Volpe – Co-Owner of ET Family Travel